Monday, December 7, 2009

Young Viginas Pics How Common Is It In Women To Shave Their Viginas?

How common is it in women to shave their viginas? - young viginas pics

yah, I'm young and I do not know whether yes or no?


razo said...

They do not do it. I do not shave, it's not pleasant, and I know that most of the 10th TRIM I mean, I feel that although cleaner than natural.

razo said...

They do not do it. I do not shave, it's not pleasant, and I know that most of the 10th TRIM I mean, I feel that although cleaner than natural.

bakfanli... said...

Ouch! I would not do that ... . the vagina is internal.
I think it means that the pubic hair.
If you shave, when he began to grow again, the very Prickley, irritating and even painful. There really is no change of mind, if you just willing to endure discomfort during the growth.

chokeman... said...

I've mixed up, such as with 18 women and almost all were shaved or had a clear path to it:)

mike w said...

I love a good shave .. mmmmm

Liz said...

I would say 50/50. The only reason I see for shaving there, if you feel uncomfortable with the hair there. If not, I would not worry about it. There is also the only option that good things always come:)

Al's carbon footprint said...

It is not uncommon harvest. No taste taste

Al's carbon footprint said...

It is not uncommon harvest. No taste taste

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