Sunday, January 10, 2010

China Mist In California Australia's Coldest Summer In 50 Years, US's Coldest Winter In 50 Years?

Australia's coldest summer in 50 years, US's coldest winter in 50 years? - china mist in california

Australia since the end of its coldest in 50 years not a single day at a temperature of 88 degF. ...

The United States and China on the night of the deadly cold and snow. The worst in 50 years.

In just 6 months we have learned that the melting of ice caps in a positive feedback that would cause for global warming, which could lead to melting of permafrost in the release of tons of methane gas, the hot earth.

As climatologist things so bad?

Should we put the theory of global warming on hold to live, learn the scientific work of the bugs?


gloria said...

Global warming is not real.

The climate system of the Earth has always undergone cycles.
It is estimated a picture of the climate of the last 400,000 years. ...

We only have concrete evidence of the last hundred years or more, is insufficient to draw conclusions. On the basis of maps of the last 200 years or so, yes, the climate has steadily increased. We therefore assume that in the past, the climate was weak? to reduce it? to reduce it? and .... What? The earth is billions of years. No. 200 The fact that the temperature does not increase enough in the last hundred years, to the conclusion that continues to grow and this is not normal. This is normal. The climate goes in cycles.

Oh, and incidentally, here in the last 20 years: ...

Ken said...

The fire in the last month in January and warmer ...
"The average temperature across the country by 1.3 degrees in the last month, but large areas, particularly in the Pilbara region of Western Australia and Central Australia, recorded temperatures three to four degrees above average."

"We just continue to feed these records are getting broken," said Dr. Jones, who is the temperature increase in Australia for almost 60 years analyzed.

Bob said...

It is not unusual that happened before. Climatic factors can overcome the global warming for a short time. It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000. EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever. Test.

thoroughly discussed at the confirmation: ...

As far as we realized that the greenhouse gas emissions in large quantities, the warming should be imposed on the long term. It's simple physics. ...

Thank you for following me on this challenge. I was frustrated because he repeats the same argument failed, but got a better answer.

Fumble said...

Why is cold "syndrome" now? One could say that the extreme heat is also a phenomenon.

The brainwashing is so bad that people are an ice age to global warming happens use to blame.

Magnus said...

What we need to do is stop ignoring all evidence that says there is no crisis of global climate change and to consider together all the data. I accuse the media and politicians, both with their own goals. Most of the public to believe what they say on the news and government representatives. The problem is that these people are sometimes unintentionally, and often deliberately excluding any information that directly contradicts the theory of global warming. If they do, and if enough is being done, people start to believe it was true because it's head again and again taken. Climate scientists are so bad, because every time I try to get a result, it is easy. The Earth is a very complex system that has very different pieces may never understand even half of the reasons for what he does. The problem with all models, say the alleged to us that we must be for the global catastrophe that will be created to operate in a vacuum. It does not take into account the solar radiation, the rotation of Tland or a variety of other factors. People come facts called junk science. People need to realize that the earth is very fluid and there, and it will be sudden changes in behavior. There are even 1000 years, a period of warm weather for a few hundred years ago, when the crops were the Vikings in Greenland, which is now a piece of ice. Stop the hysteria, because all it does not cause unnecessary regulation and mandates of our government killed us and we basically put our own money more drainage and limit the choice in what should be a system of free market.

The Masked Masala said...

February was relatively cool, but on average over the country as a whole in February was not so cold in January was hot.
The west coast of Western Australia and in central and southern Northern Territory, have been warmer than normal last month.
The average temperature in summer Australia was 0.16 degrees above normal, which ranks 22nd of 58 Highs 0.14 degree days below normal at least 0.45 in the night a degree above normal.
No conclusions about climate change could come from one month in a country.
What you need to analyze is the change in a much longer period of time and preferably the broader trends in an area.
But to focus solely on Germany, we saw a continuing trend of rising temperatures in the 50 to 100 years.

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